Well it's been a long time coming, since the back end of July to be precise, but the end is finally in sight.
My last day working for 'The Department' will be 27/02/2015 !
It's a scary thought, but also a potentially huge opportunity.
I've only realistically had one proper job, and i've been here in whatever brand it's been for the last 24 years ; DHS, BA, DWP etc etc. It's been an unambitious career, ranging from filing to project work, and ending up as an IT Service Manager, but in all honesty it's just been a laugh from end to end.
People keep asking me what i'm going to be doing after I leave, simple answer - I have no idea! Whatever it is I end up doing, I really don't want any of this responsibility crap. Give me a job where i turn up, do some work, then go home and forget about it. Yes I can hear those that know me chuckling and chuntering that it will be the first work i'll have done since they've known me, but all i can say to that is...
I'm out...You're not ;o)
I've got a couple of things I want to do, one of which is just daft but will be great fun, the other is a great little idea, and although its only in it's infancy I do find myself getting excited by it. I keep expending on it, and then reigning myself back in. I just need to keep my mind on the fact it will take a lot of planning to get the basic things in place, but fingers crossed it will work out in the end.
So if there is anyone out there with a job available from March then let me know !!
Now who should i approach to fund this project ???